
스피드런 카테고리 관련 질문 사항 답변 받은 내용

M 수(soometro) 0 7,650 2019.01.06 13:21

스피드런 카테고리 관련 질문 사항 답변 받은 내용



의 상위 랭커이자 관리자에게 질문 하였습니다.

질문 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

1. "All Bosses" 는 원래 "No quitouts"가 표준이었는데, 혹시 "Yarnam Glitch"의 성공률이 낮기 때문에 "Parcial

quitouts"가 생긴것 인가?
2. "Parcial quitouts" 의 기록이 "No quitouts" 을 포함하던데, 그렇다면 "Parcial quitouts"이 표준이 된것인가?
3. "Miscellaneous"는 인기가 없어서,  "show" , "Hide" 옵션으로 놔누어지는가?

  (개인적으로 "All Bosses Level 4"를 참 좋아하는데 말이다.)
4. "Any% Glitchless"는  "Current Patch" 카테고리안에 없더라. 왜 "Miscellaneous" 안에 있는것인가?
5. "Glitchless" 이더라도 "quitouts"이 허용되더라, 참 의아하다. 어떻게 생각하느냐?
6. 그렇다면, "All Bosses Glitchless"는 왜 없는것인가?
7. 마지막으로 "All quitouts"과 "Parcial quitouts의 차이점은 무엇인가?

답변은 아래와 같습니다. 

1. "No quitouts" was the old category, the oldest patch of bloodborne has very long loading screens, so we

banned quitouts to save everyone's time.

2. we added "partial quitouts" because the loading screens on current patch are not that long, and most people

have SSDs now. so the "no quitout rule" was basically useless at that point. it allowed us to do many more skips

and tricks and overall just made the run better. No quitout is still a "main category" though. these are the

categories that most people run.

3. miscellaneous categories are just side categories, because they are usually less popular and are not listed on

the front page of speedsouls.com.

4. Any% glitchless is one of these categories, it is very unpopular, so it is listed under miscellaneous

5. quitouts are not really glitches, that's why they are allowed in any% glitchless you just are not allowed to do any sort of skips and glitches in glitchless

6. the reason there is no "all bosses glitchless" is simply because no one has done a run yet and it would be

pointless to have a category with no times on it

7. in partial quitouts, you are allowed to quitout anywhere, except on doors, levers, chests, the table at the start
you basically can't save in game time by quitting out
so you can quit out for skips and glitches, but not to skip animations like opening doors
in no quitout, you can't quitout for anything, no matter what, except at the end of the run

hopefully that answered all of your questions


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